Some Websites Are Listed Below For Earning:-
2. GramFree
3. Earnably
5. Honey
6. Coinpayu
Sphere by Horizen
Due to a change of the Application ID in v1.2.6-beta, Windows users upgrading from 1.2.5-beta or earlier or setups with multiple user accounts must uninstall Sphere by Horizen first, using the "Programs" utility from the "Control Panel" before installing any version greater than v1.2.5-beta.
Please follow the upgrade guides for Windows or macOS.
Latest Version: v1.2.8-beta
For a list of changes implemented in this version, please view the changelog.
Due to significant improvements to data handling, users who took part in version 1.0.1-beta or earlier are advised to create new accounts and restore their wallet seeds.
An upgrade mechanism will be included in a future release to remove the requirement on the user to perform this step.
User manual:
Sphere by Horizen is envisioned as a launching point for Horizen services. The latest version hosts wallet functions with the following features:
Full client with both transparent, private transactions
Lite client with transparent transactions
The wallet is deterministic, meaning if you lose your account, you can restore cryptocurrency funds through a user-friendly process involving a unique 24-word phrase
Secure messaging with full client version
Ability to switch between a full or light client
Ability to run a full node
restricted terminal for advanced wallet usersBatch withdraw funds from multiple addresses in a single transaction
Batch split funds to multiple addresses in a single transaction
Sweep funds from private keys
- More features coming soon!
- Windows: Windows x64 Desktop versions currently supported by Microsoft are targeted for compatibility, at the time of writing this includes Windows 7 ESU, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10
- macOS: macOS versions currently supported by Apple are targeted for compatibility, at the time of writing this includes macOS High Sierra, macOS Mojave and macOS Catalina
- Linux: Debian Stable and Ubuntu versions in support are targeted for compatibility
Available memory 4GB (RAM + swap).
Intel Haswell architecture CPUs (or AMD equivalent) and newer.
Due to the size of the blockchain at this point we would recommend keeping a minimum of 30GB of storage space free. This requirement will increase over time with blockchain growth.
Installation instructions
All installers are available here
For Windows, download and run the .exe installer package and follow the standard windows installation procedure.
For macOS, download and run the latest standard macOS package
macOS packages have the ".dmg" file extension.
Please install as you would any other non-app store macOS package by launching the file (double click) and moving the app to your Applications folder via the installer window.
For Linux we supply both .deb packages for Debian systems and also a standalone AppImage to support other Linux based distributions.
".deb" images can be opened and installed via a graphical package manager should you have one installed.
You may also install via the terminal for example.
$ sudo dpkg -i example_file_name.deb
AppImage files are self-contained and can be launched by firstly making the AppImage file executable via
$ chmod a+x example_file_name*.AppImage
And then run
$ ./example_file_name*.AppImage
Use of the software and services is provided according to the following Terms of Use
What is GramFree?
GramFree is a ‘get paid to’ website that rewards users with ‘grams’. On a ‘get paid to’, or GPT website, users are given an in-game currency in exchange for doing simple tasks.
On GramFree, you can earn Grams for doing the following things:
- Inviting new users to the website site.
- Entering a daily lottery.
- Signing smart contracts.
- Depositing money.
- Watching videos.
Like most GPT websites, GramFree generates money from selling you Grams and from ad revenue. But as a user, how does the website work?
I’m glad you asked.
In this post, I’ll cover how GramFree works, who owns the website and whether this is another Forsage-style cryptocurrency scam .
When you register with GramFree.World you are taken to your home screen. A picture of this is below.

If you look at the options on the left, you’ll notice you can earn grams through a range of options – including smart contracts, the lottery, videos and referrals. Let’s go over each of those options now.
Smart Contracts
GramFree Smart Contracts are available for you to sign daily. If you choose to take a contract, you are given a timer that counts down. At the end of the timer, you must sign again. Each contract must be signed a certain number of times for you to receive payment.
GramFree has two types of Smart Contracts, including:
- Standard Contract (worth 0.05 grams)
- Risky Contract (worth 1.0 grams)
Standard contracts are only worth 0.05 grams, while risky contracts are worth 1.0 grams. They are called ‘risky’ as you will lose 2 grams if you do not ‘sign’ the contract whenever the timer goes off.
I know that’s confusing, so you can see a Smart Contract below.

This probably seems pretty bizarre, but smart contracts are an important part of GramFree.World. They don’t operate the same way normal cryptocurrency contracts do, but instead, they exist for one of two purposes:
- To make you feel invested in the GramFree.World project.
- To slowly gift you grams as a way to earn your love.
Have you heard of the sunk cost fallacy? In short, the fallacy explains that once we have started a project, we feel loyal towards it. If we get frustrated, we feel like all our hard work will go to waste if we quit.
Here’s a quote from Carnegie Mellon’s Tepper School of Business professor Christopher Olivola.
“The sunk cost effect is the general tendency for people to continue an endeavour, or continue consuming or pursuing an option if they’ve invested time or money or some resource in it,”
– Time
That’s what GramFree’s smart contracts are for. They are designed to bring you back to the website daily until you crack and buy grams.
GramFree isn’t the only platform to use this tactic either. “ChArItY” ZoloUs also uses this tactic – giving users “Universal Basic Income” of 380 hydra daily.
Why does this work?
You need to withdraw your funds for the grams (or Hydra) you are given to have any value. It’s the equivalent of promising someone $1 fully aware you will never follow through. It’s a lie designed to draw you in, and nothing more.
That brings us to the GramFree lottery.
GramFree Lottery
The lottery is available to enter every 7 – 24 hours. Depending on your user status this will change. If you win the lottery, you have the chance to earn between 1 gram and 5,000 grams. You can see the lottery below.

But can you really win the GramFree lottery?
That’s a great question. While you are able to see the results of other lottery entrants on the website, the lottery is rigged against users. You will occasionally win small numbers of grams, but you will (very) likely never win more than that.
After testing the lottery myself, I was able to confirm that the chances of winning are very, very low – no matter how many tickets you buy.
Again, this is a common tactic of getting Paid To sites. We also saw it on the FOREX Naisos scam, where the platform promises users a 10% return daily in an effort to make users feel invested in the project.
Videos and Referrals
GramFree also rewards users for watching videos about the website. These videos are submitted by users and are designed to try and bring more people to the website.
The videos are all about GramFree – which is either a terribly lazy attempt at brainwashing or another appeal to the sunk cost fallacy.
Most videos will earn you 0.1 Grams for each watch, and 5.0 Grams for each submitted video. You can see some of the videos below!

You are also rewarded for bringing new members to the website. While the referral rewards change over time, you earn below 10 grams for each referral.
These referrals don’t always pay either, as you only earn Grams when the person you recruited reaches level 2.
While GramFree has been accused of Pyramid Scheme behavior, the website does not currently use a Multi-Level Marketing structure.
What are Grams?
On GramFree’s website, you are given ‘grams’ as a form of currency. Users are told they can exchange grams for real money, but this is barely true.
Let’s take a look at the REAL value of a gram.
While grams have an exchange value outside of the website, they are not a proper cryptocurrency until they have been fully developed. As of 2020, 1 gram is equal to 1.78USD, but the grams you earn on GramFree are worthless until you “cash-out”.

In order to withdraw the money you have earned, you need to makeover 500 grams. That means you would need to make the equivalent of $280 on Gramfree to be able to cash out.
But how easy is it to make 500 grams? Not very.
If you WERE to generate enough cash top ‘cashout’, it would take you over 60 days to make 500 grams doing the daily tasks. These daily tasks include:
- Signing SMART contracts (you earn 0.5 GRAM per contract).
- Recruiting other people (less than 10 grams per person)
- Watching videos (0.1 gram per video).
- Entering the daily lottery (an average of 1 gram per entry).
Many GramFree fans have tried to make money from new recruits by promising the website can make you rich. That’s a lie.
Get Paid To websites give people rewards for saying positive things about them online – so be careful when reading positive reviews of GramFree. It’s very likely the person who is telling you you will get rich will profit off of you.
While GramFree may sound appealing, it is extremely difficult (if not impossible) to make any money from this website – which has lead to many websites (like mine) assuming GramFree of operating a scam.
Every task on the website is designed to trick you into buying Grams.
If you do choose to buy grams, you cannot buy less than $1,000 at a time. Here’s proof of that.

Is GramFree A Scam?
GramFree is a scam because the platform promises users money they have no intention of providing. They use false advertising, tricks to get you to buy grams and cheat users into bringing other users into the scam.
Before we begin, I’d like to remind you of the definition of a scam. A scam is:
“Any enterprise or action which makes profit by lying to you, defrauding you or exploiting your labour. “
This website is a scam because…
You are told lies about what you are signing up for.
This website (and its users) promise you the chance to make money. That promise is not real. At most, you will make a few dollars for hours of your time, your data, and your dignity. Although you will have made that money, you’ll never see any of it – as you’d need to earn 500 grams before you can withdraw any money.

The website tricks you into buying grams.
Both websites offer you three main ways to make money: SMART contracts, the lottery and watching videos.
All three of these activities are designed to keep you on the website for as long as possible. The longer you stay on the website, the more likely you are to fall into the ‘sunk cost fallacy’ and invest in grams.
The website also uses vague language to convince you the system is a new form of technology. You can see a great example below.

Again, the false advertising and outright lying about how much money you can make turn this from a regular (albeit scammy) Get Paid To website into a full-on scam.
GramFree markets themselves like a Pyramid Scheme.
The popularity of this website isn’t due to their success as a business but is instead due to their recruitment strategy. You can earn grams for every person you recruit and every post you make advertising the service. This brings more users in, doubling the amount of money and data GramFree has.

Who Owns GramFree?
Part of the suspicion surrounding comes from the anonymity of the website. No one is listed as the owner, and there is no public management team.
This is incredibly unusual for a startup, as part of the appeal of a startup company is its visionary founder.
Instead, we are left to believe the founder is this person below (I’m joking!)

To look into who owns this website, I went to their entry. The name of the person who registered this domain has been “redacted for privacy”. However, the entry does tell us a few interesting things.
- This website was registered from Panama (through Namecheap LLC).
- The website was only registered on the 27th of March 2020.
- The website is hosted on the IP address, which is not the location of the website owner. The IP address is held by NameCheap LLC, as a quick search shows you hndreds of other websites hosted there.
There is also no sign of whoever owns this company on LinkedIn – meaning no one wants to own up to creating this website.
Many of The Snapping Point’s readers have asked us if Telegram created Gramfree.
Although this website uses Telegram Open Network (TON), it is not affiliated with the telegram. TON is an open-source project, meaning ANYONE can create a platform using TON and Grams.
GramFree is NOT affiliated with telegram (as far as Telegram discloses).
How Does This Website Make Money?
GramFree presents itself as a charitable community with friendly graphics, vague language, and nice design. However, as we’ve seen on this blog with scams like TronChain, the nice design does not equal nice company.
While you are making no money on their platform, the website makes plenty of money off you. Here’s how.
- Selling grams to their users (at a minimum of $1,000 a user).
- Charging you a withdrawal fee when you withdraw your grams.
- Ad revenue, through visits to their website.
Of course, the website also has access to your data, so they could always make money from that too.
While there isn’t anything wrong with a company making money, companies that lie to their customers, trick them into purchases, and engage in misleading advertising are scams.
Everything on GramFree is designed to do just that – trick you into believing that what you are seeing is legit.

Frequently Asked Questions
In this section, I will briefly attempt to answer some of the questions sent in by you guys. Feel free to reach to to submit a question.
Is GramFree a Cryptocurrency?
GramFree uses ‘Grams‘, which is a new cryptocurrency. The website itself is not a cryptocurrency technology, as grams were developed by Telegram for their TON (Telegram Open Network) project.
How Can I Earn From GramFree?
GramFree only pays users after they earn over 500 grams. To earn these grams, you would need to sign smart contracts, enter the daily lottery and invest in grams (which will cost you $1,000 a pop).
Is GramFree Payment Legit?
GramFree posts videos of people receiving their grams. While these videos are likely real, you would have to LOSE money to withdraw from the website. That is because you can only invest in grams of $1,000 at a time. You would also need to spend over 60 days on the website to make enough money to withdraw.
Is GramFree Legit?
GramFree is NOT a legitimate website. It is an unregistered financial investment, meaning there is no guarantee you will receive any money you earn. It is also not part of a registered business.
Is GramFree Real Or Fake?
GramFree is a real website, but it is a scam. The website is not owned by a registered business and is not a registered financial investment website. The chances of you making a profit on the website are very, very low – as you would need to dedicate several months (or 60 days) to make enough money to withdraw.
Are the testimonies real?
You can see some recent testimonies from the website below. These testimonies are not honest, as the people who made them received payment in exchange for vouching for the website.

Earnably is one of the newer GPT websites out there, having formed in 2015, but nevertheless, they've quickly made a name for themselves, having attracted tens of thousands of users during this time and awarding over $1,500,000 in rewards to their members.
- What is Earnably?
- Rewards offered
- Is Earnably a legit site?
Earnably focuses primarily on paid surveys, although there are several other online activities you can do to earn rewards, including watching videos, referring friends, or taking advantage of offers from its various partners.
People in 30+ countries across the globe can sign up within less than a minute and start making money immediately.
To get started with Earnably, navigate to its home page and click the big green ‘Sign Up’ button. From there, enter your email address, username, and password and you’re ready to go. From there, you’ll be able to start making money immediately.
Daily Paid Surveys
Filling out paid surveys is arguably the easiest way to earn credits (that can eventually be exchanged for rewards) on Earnably. Navigate to the daily survey page and you’ll see a list of third-party survey providers. You’ll be routed to these third-party websites to take the surveys, but all rewards are paid into your Earnably account. This system means you often have to fill in your basic demographic information each time you begin a survey. Also, it’s not always obvious how much you’ll earn for completing it. On the plus side, there is a healthy amount of daily surveys offered to you each day.
Offer Walls
Earnably has 30+ partners and there are plenty of opportunities to earn rewards by engaging with some or all of them. In some cases, you’ll be able to earn credits for taking a free trial. On other occasions, you’ll need to buy a product or download and use an app. This is the fastest way to earn the most points in one go, however it is also the most involved.
Watch Videos
Earnably pays you for watching videos. Most videos are advertisements for products, and as this is a completely passive task, the pay is just 0.7 points for every three videos viewed. Although this is not a way to rack up a bit of balance, it's easy, passive, and can help you reach your cashout sooner if you're just a few points away.
The Earnably referral system is reasonably generous. Once you sign up, you’ll be given your own unique referral link to share with friends which you can share on social media, e-mail, by word of mouth, etc. If your friend signs up using your link, as a thank you bonus, you’ll be given 10% of their points for life.
Promo Codes
If you follow Earnably on Facebook or Twitter, you’ll notice that promo codes are occasionally posted there. All you have to do is copy and paste an Earnably promo code into the dedicated promo codes page on the Earnably website. This will either give you extra points, or a percentage bonus added on to any points you earn in a specific time period. This is a great way to get free points!
Earnably Apps
Another way to earn points is via the 'Apps' section. Simply download apps on your mobile phone or tablet and earn cash for doing so. Details surrounding the app (such as how much you'll get for downloading it, how long you need to keep it installed to be credited, etc., will be listed in your account.
Mobile App
There is no dedicated mobile app for Earnably, but the website still works well on smartphones and tablets. The clean interface lends itself well to these smaller screens. This makes it conducive to use on the go while commuting, waiting in line at the store, etc.
An undeniable advantage of Earnably is its low payout threshold. If you choose to convert your points into PayPal payments, you can cash out 125 points and earn $1. However, your points are worth more if you save up and cash out later. For example, you’ll earn a $5 PayPal payment for 500 points, and for payments above $50, it takes just 4975 points (which is less than 100 points per $1) to receive.
Another notable plus point of Earnably is the huge range of options for cashing out. You can choose to convert your points for PayPal payments, prepaid Visa cards, cryptocurrency, or gift cards from a variety of retailers. The retailers available to you will depend on what country you’re based in, but generally include major stores like Amazon, Starbucks, iTunes, Nintendo, Xbox, etc.
Note that you can choose to set up an auto-redeem when you hit a certain number of points, however, bear in mind that this convenience comes with a 1% fee.
There's no reason to believe that Earnably is anything but a legitimate website. They have existed for over 5 years and have paid out over a million dollars in rewards to their members. Earnably is not a scam and as a member, you'll be required to provide your phone number when cashing out, so that they can verify your identity. This is to protect themselves again scammers and unscrupulous users of their website.
Eligibility: Open to residents of: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and the United States.
Earnably Reviews (1)
What is CryptoTab Browser?
There are always interesting cryptocurrency projects worth keeping an eye on. CryptoTab browser is a project which can effectively transform the industry as a whole. Although its business model might not make much sense at first, it is a viable solution to introduce new users to cryptocurrency.
CryptoTab Browser Explained
The concept of this particular project is not overly difficult to grasp. By using this instead of Google Chrome, Edge, or Safari, users can effectively earn small amounts of cryptocurrency. This is achieved through the built-in mining feature, which seemingly works on Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS alike. Users simply have to browse the internet like usual and see the rewards trickle in over time.
As is usually the case where crypto mining is concerned, it won’t make anyone rich. Especially when it comes to mining Bitcoin, a CPU-based approach will not generate that much income whatsoever. It is a viable tool for novice cryptocurrency enthusiasts, but veteran users won’t use this solution anytime soon.
Not a Brave Competitor
There is some interesting competition going on among cryptocurrency-oriented browsers. Brave is perhaps the most noteworthy project in this regard. It allows users to earn Basic Attention Token by browsing the internet and viewing ads, assuming they live in a relevant area. Unlike CryptoTab, they will not earn Bitcoin by any means, which can be either a blessing or a curse depending on one’s preferences.
CryptoTab Browser, on the other hand, doesn’t suffer from geological restrictions by any means. It seemingly is accessible by everyone, as long as their computer can run it. Given how lightweight both browsers are, it could be interesting to use both alongside one another. One to earn Bitcoin and the other to earn BAT. Diversification is key in the cryptocurrency world, after all. It is always good to keep all of the options on the table.
Key Aspects to Look into
When it comes to earning cryptocurrency rewards, users want to withdraw funds conveniently. In the case of the CryptoTab browser, users can sign in and withdraw Bitcoin to their own wallet whenever they see fit. This also makes it different from the Brave browser, as withdrawing BAT from that piece of software is still impossible at this time. It was never designed to allow for such functionality, thus this option might suit more people’s needs.
Additionally, users can determine the speed at which this browser mines. Those with older computers and CPUs may want to look into tuning things down a bit. It is also possible for users to import settings and bookmarks from any other browser they might have used in the past. One potential downside to this platform is how users need to log in by using social media accounts. It isn’t necessarily the biggest drawback, yet it isn’t the most elegant solution either.
How to Earn and Use Honey Gold
- 1Go to in a web browser and login if prompted. You'll need to use a desktop version of any web browser to do this.
- You'll see stores listed with their Honey Gold rewards. You can click them to go to the store's website and activate the Honey Gold reward.
- 2Activate your Honey extension (if you don't use their website). On the other hand, you can directly navigate to a website and click the Honey extension when it pops up. When you activate Honey on a participating retailer's website, you'll earn Honey Gold rewards automatically.
- If you make a purchase without pressing the Activate button on the extension, you won't get your Honey Gold.
- See your past transactions, referral history, and rewards in Honey Gold at
- You also need at least 1,000 Honey Gold to redeem.
- Once you click an amount, it'll display in the lower right corner. If you want to change the amount, click it to get a drop-down of other amounts.
- If you don't receive or lose the original email with the gift card information, you can send it to yourself again. Go to your account overview, and click the Re-send Gift card link under "Redeemed Gift Cards."
- Check your spam or junk folder if you can't find the gift card email in your Inbox. Sometimes, emails from Honey are routed to spam or junk.

Thanks for checking out my Coinpayu review.
Coinpayu is a reward site that claims to pay you cryptocurrency rewards for clicking on ads, participating in offers, and referring people to the site.
In my review today I will be finding out all you need to know about the Coinpayu platform to help you decide if it's worth checking out for yourself.
I will be uncovering what real users of the site are saying about it. I will also be weighing up the pros and cons to help you make a more informed decision about joining.
Before I take a look at the earning potential let’s start by finding out how the Cinpayu platform works.
There are affiliate links on this page.
How Coinpayu Works
You can join Coinpayu by heading over to the website. All you need to do is create a user name and a password, and give an email address. Once you submit those details you will receive a verification code by email. Just enter the code on the site and you are ready to go.
Coinpayu is designed to reward you for carrying out various activities which include clicking on ads, participating in offers, playing games, and referring people to the site.
From your dashboard, you will see that there are three main types of ads on the platform. These are video ads, surf ads, and window ads.
So if you prefer videos for example because you don’t want to surf the web, then you can earn points by focusing on those.
All of the tasks make it easy to earn Bitcoin without mining it. Bitcoin is at present proving to be a valuable investment since this cryptocurrency keeps growing in value.
Coinpayu can pay you because it earns money as a Bitcoin advertising network, and some of this revenue is used to pay its members.
The Bitcoin that you earn can be sent directly to your cryptocurrency wallet as soon as you reach the minimum cash out. Various cash-out sums are depending on which cryptocurrency wallet you are using (see further details below).
From there, you can hold it as it rises in value, use it for other investments, shop with it directly, or trade it for a fiat currency like the US dollar.
While basic membership on the site is free, there are paid options as well. These allow you to earn more for
every task that you complete. Before you consider a paid option, you may want to make sure you can earn the money you spent and also make a bigger profit than you would with a free plan.
See the paid option details below;
The monthly memberships above are calculated in Satoshi, the cryptocurrency that you can earn on the site. The junior partnership membership works out at roughly 2.5 dollars per month. The medium partner membership is about $9 per month.
There are games under their offer walls but all of these aren’t always open to new players. Members have to be alert to when new games become available, to get one of the limited spaces in the game.
A code is sometimes required to join a game and this is shared on Coinpayu’s Facebook page.
How You Could Earn with Coinpayu
Coinpayu is primarily a PTC site, so you’ll get paid for clicking on links to their advertisements. You’ll be given a description of what to expect when you arrive on the landing page.
You’ll have to stay on each page for several seconds, to be credited for visiting it. The page where the link is tells you how long you need to say on the advert to get paid. Some are just 10 seconds, and others that pay a bit more are up to a minute.
You don’t have to make any purchases on the sites that you visit to get paid.
If you’re watching a video ad, again you should stay on it for the time stated in its description. All of the ads here will also tell you how much you can earn and how long you’ll need to stay on them.
The clicking on ads option does not give you a lot of points, but it’s easy to complete.
With Coinpayu, it’s possible you could earn 10,000 Satoshi a day by surfing the Web and doing other tasks. If you like to play games, you’ll earn up to 600 Satoshi for different achievements within each game.
While clicking to view advertisements from Coinpayu partners is one of the simplest ways to earn on the site, that’s not all that’s available on the platform.
You can also earn by completing offers and referring friends who are interested in earning Bitcoin from their mobile device.
The offer walls have a wide range of tasks, including surveys. You’ll also be able to do quizzes and earn points or play games in your browser. You can also download apps to your phone and sign up for websites that interest you.
Once a task is completed, your rewards will be automatically added to your account. If you want to earn more quickly on the site, it’s better to focus on the offers, since these pay more than clicking on ads.
Their referral program also has earning potential, since you’ll earn a commission every time your referral completes an offer. When you’re inviting others to sign up for the site through your referral link, you’ll benefit if you take time to show them how they can maximize the site.
Contests At Coinpayu
Coinpayu also has contests to motivate you to complete offers and to refer people to the site. The contests are held regularly, and pay hundreds of dollars to up to 50 winners.
Currently, for those who earn the most by completing offers, the prize money is $250, with $100 going to the member that earns the most. The other top 24 earners will also get a share of the remaining $150.
In the referral contest, the total prize money is $600, with the winner getting $300. The remaining 24 top referrers will get a share of the remaining $300.
So there is lots of incentive at Coinpayu to keep active on the site.
Redeeming your Coinpayu Rewards
Payment from Coinpayu is processed within 3 business days (there are no payments at weekend).
You can make your withdrawals from your dashboard, and check the status of your payments in the withdrawal tab. You’ll need to have the equivalent of at least 3,000 Satoshi in your account to make a withdrawal.
However, the withdrawal amount depends on the cryptocurrency wallet that you are using. There may also be a withdrawal fee depending on your cryptocurrency wallet. See below;
Bitcoin-Fee 800 satoshi…..Mini withdrawal….11,000 satoshi
Ethereum-Fee 0.0025 eth….Min Withdrawal..1,500 satoshi
Payeer-No fee….Min Withdrawal…1,500 satoshi
Faucetpay-No fee…Min Withdrawal…1,500 satoshi
Dogecoin-No fee….Min Withdrawal….1,500 satoshi
Litecoin-No fee……Min Withdrawal…..1,500 satoshi
Check out the promotional video below showing how easy it is to withdraw rewards at Coinpayu;
Real Coinpayu Reviews From Real Users
At the time of writing (February 2021) Coinpayu has a score of 4.3/5 from 139 reviews at TrustPilot
The majority of the users that have left reviews confirm that the Coinpayu site is legit and confirm having received their rewards, some on multiple occassions.
There is also a link on the website with payment proofs showing all the withdrawals that have been made by members.
Some say the earning potential is low, others ask for more earning opportunities.
I would love to hear from any of my readers that have used the Coinpayu platform and want to share their experience. If you do please leave a comment in the comments section below.
What Are The Pros Of The Coinpayu Platform?
- Free reward site, simple to sign up by providing a valid email address.
- Easy and fun ways to earn cryptocurrency
- Contests available with decent cash prizes
- Good user reviews
- Payment proofs available to see on the website
- Good way for beginners to get hold of their first cryptocurrency
The Cons Of Coinpayu
- Rewards are low, but the tasks are simple nonetheless
Some Final Thoughts On Coinpayu
Coinpayu is a legit reward site that has positive reviews, and members confirming receipt of their rewards.
The platform offers numerous fun and easy ways of building cryptocurrency in your account to enable you to withdraw it to the wallet of your choice.
You’re not going to get rich from what you earn on this site, but it pays, and these days every bit counts.
Disclaimer: This is not trading or investment advice. The above article is for entertainment and education purposes only. Please do your own research before purchasing or investing in any cryptocurrency or digital currency.
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